CSS should work on all sites that use those templates:
/* Search box styles */
body #odysseus #OVExploreContainer {
/* Default styles */
–primary-color: #333 !important;
–text-color: #fff !important;
–secondary-color: #f5bf44 !important;
–grid-col: 25% !important;
–grid-col-num: 25 !important;
/* Button styles */
–ody-button-bg: transparent;
–ody-button-border: var(–text-color);
–ody-button-text: var(–text-color);
/* Button hover styles */
–ody-button-hover-bg: var(–text-color);
–ody-button-hover-border: var(–text-color);
–ody-button-hover-text: var(–primary-color);
/** Form BG colour
rgba([r], [g], [b], [transparency])
e.g. 0,0,0 is black 255,255,255 is white
or simply replace with a solid colour e.g.: #f00 **/
–ody-form-bg: rgba(0, 0, 0, .25);
/* Highlighted selections & dropdowns */
–ody-highlight-bg: var(–text-color);
–ody-highlight-text: var(–primary-color);
–ody-highlight-hover-bg: var(–secondary-color);
–ody-highlight-hover-text: var(–primary-color);
I’ve made it so you can just change the primary, secondary and text colours to change the whole form
You can then edit the other ones to make more precise changes